Mapping the quest is essential to setting off on the right foot. It's a comprehensive audit of your current situation, with a robust deliverable that includes all you need to know to succeed in the journey ahead.
Blacksmith is your loyal companion—focused solely on preparing you for the coming battles, appraising the value of side quests, and preventing you from getting burned in the process.
Holy Grail Goal
As a hero, you are faced with perilous challenges. The rewards justify the trials, however, so you go forth. We'll map the quest around your ultimate goal.
Dragon Breeds
We'll note your fiends, rivals and what dragon breeds you're facing, how to leverage your strengths to slay them, and about how much gold they hoard.
Castle Plans
The architecture and platform are two important factors in determining how to optimize the central hub of your kingdom—the site of your dreams.
Treasure Map
Beyond goals and challenges, we consider factors like industry terrain, supplies required, the best tools, which trumpets to sound, and much more.
The tech stack you're working with can both protect your business and make your business more nimble. We advise which tools are best for your particular needs.
We will find a way to tell your story in a way that highlights your strengths and what makes you stand apart from your competition. In short, we craft a timeless legend.
There are many forms of treasure; only some are vital to the success of your goals. We find opportunities that require minimum effort while producing maximum profit.
What good is building a kingdom if no one knows about it? Marketing channels are critical to raising awareness and getting your fans onboard with the culture you build.